Spring Cereals and Cover Crops
Spring Cereals & Cover Crops
We can help you select the right spring cereals and cover crops for your farm’s production goals. If your goal is to maximize your farm’s production output and increase your overall success, come by our store so we can chat.
Cover crops help create healthier soil and a healthier farm. Let us work with you to fit the right cover crop species on your farm to match your goals.
Cover crop oats, oat/pea and custom blends are available for nurse crops and double-crop (after the winter wheat/barley harvest) purposes.
Snobelen Farms in Lucknow and Palmerston.
Available Sizes:
Bag, 50lbs
Totes, 2000lbs+
Consulting services available
Edgar’s is proud to offer agronomic services for all your crop and growing needs. We offer in-field assessments, producer meetings, workshops and seminars throughout the year in either our office or in your field.